Speaking & Workshops
“Who are we to know or decide what was the best course of action for our loved ones? It is only our job to see them. For who they are and hold space for them. In doing so, we honor our loved ones and their memories. They may seem like the walking dead. But they are not. They are still there. In a different light. Perhaps, in their silence, they choose their path, and perhaps we can find our own path too.”

Seeking Clarity With the Labyrinth: A Guide for Support, Connection, and Healing supports caregivers, and people with dementia on a guided process of working through their journey, starting right where they’re at. This workshop provides a safe and healing space to help understand and explore tools to process their emotions and experience. Includes an introduction to the Labyrinth, as well as the opportunity to do a Labyrinth Walk, via hand-held labyrinth and/or by walking, as space allows.
Jessica is also attending conferences, caretaker groups and more as a featured speaker. If you are interested in having her attend your event, please reach out through our Contact Page.

At Play in the Labyrinth
Thank you to the Lodge Chautauqua Theatre for welcoming us to enjoy and heal within the labyrinth. I hope to return soon for another magical experience in your space.

Go ahead… Put Some FUN in your Fierce!
OCTOBER 12-16, 2023
A 5-Day Virtual Gathering for Women that I am honored to be part of the presenters for.
Who Want to Feel Even More Fierce, Fun and Fantastic!

Jessica was joined by her father for a candid and open conversation about navigating their family’s journey with Jessica’s mom and Barry’s wife Phyllis’ Alzheimers. There was candid conversation, readings from Jessica’s book and more.
KU Medical Center Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center Weekly Webinar
Please watch the recording from my talk with KU. It was a pleasure to talk with all of you.

Alzheimers, Caregiving, and Grief: A Family's Perspective
May 25
In partnership with Area of Aging, A Church Salida, 419 D Street, Salida Co 81201
Join us for an informal conversation on Alzheimers, Caregiving, and Grief. Dad and I are both passionate about sharing our story, navigating our own grief, and educating others on Alzheimers disease and dementia.
Claire E. Jones: Authorvision Interviews: Episode 5 with Jessica Stokes
Thank you for inviting me to speak wth you.

Manitou Book Reading & Celebration!

Mind and Movement Workshop
What a magical event! Thank you to everyone who joined me for yoga, dance and some labyrinth walking to benefit the Colorado Alzheimer’s Association.
Chaffee Walks Labyrinth Walk
Thank you to everyone who came out and joined this wonderful event.

Triggers and Spiritual Medicine Interview
Read Laura’s blog and listen to our conversation on her PodCast.

The Hopenning Vlog
Hopenning #58 with Jessica Stokes on Alzheimer’s and Labyrinths. Hosted by Marina Theron-Monnery and Fran Caudron.

Rocky Mountain Conference on Dementia
Watch the video from my presentation as the closing speaker at this amazing event.

Interview on WRUU Radio Show, Courageous COnversations with Sheree
Thursday, February 16, 2023, 1-2pm Courageous Conversations with Sheree welcomes Jessica Goldmuntz Stokes. This weeks topic is navigating the stages of dementia and Alzheimer’s. Listen in as Jessica shares her journey and the gift of her mom’s transition.

ISIS Books and Gifts Book Launch Party
What a wonderful way to share our family’s story and spend time with so many of you!

The Story Behind the Story Interview
See Jessica’s interview with Dr. Adrienne Maclain. Learn about how the Labyrinth played a role in Jessica’s journey with her mother. Find out what inspired the book and how writing was a journey about the journey.

No Apologies Book Club Reading and Discussion
Thank you to No Apologies Book Club for inviting me to attend your Zoom meeting and discuss my book and hear the stories of so many powerful individuals!